RFC: Creation of a new KDE SC module [kdeplugins]

Martin Gräßlin kde at martin-graesslin.com
Mon Oct 11 20:13:56 BST 2010

> If the effect library is still too unstable for separate things, it
> doesn't matter if it is a separate module or in extragear or on
> kde-look.
Of course there is a difference. The module would always be in sync with kwin 
as it is released at the same time. That is something we cannot ensure in 
kdelook or extragear, only in the SC. Btw KWin doesn't crash when there is a 
bc issue as kwin just does not load incompatible effects.
> Please read other threads about binary compatibility.
You might notice that the kwin maintainer started that thread. So we are quite 
aware of the implications :-)
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