[KDE Usability] Review Request: Add a confirmation window when emptying the trash

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Wed Mar 31 23:49:57 BST 2010

Anybody thought about solving the initial problem and make the trash popup 
less error prone, i.e. prevent accidental misclicks by clearly separating 
stuff like dagerous "empty" and harmless "recover" (in doubt by placing a nice 
dead trashcan-icon-pixmap-label (tm) inbetween)?

Am Thursday 01 April 2010 schrieb David Faure:
> On Wednesday 31 March 2010, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > > If your disk is full and you empty the trash, you certainly expect to
> > > get more disk space immediately... not after the 30 seconds undo, when
> > > the system can finally delete the files and make more space.
> > 
> > You assume that the use case in which the user is deleting due to low
> > disk space is the dominant use case. I argue that it is only one use
> > case, however I agree that it does need special handling in this
> > regard.
> Short of reading the user's mind, we have no way of knowing if the user is
> deleting a big file (or empty the trash) in order to free some disk space
> or "just because".
> So then we would need two actions, a "empty trash with undo enabled" and a
> "empty trash immediately"? I definitely do not believe that this would
> improve usability at all (talk about too many options...)
> (BTW I do argue that the main use case for emptying the trash _is_ making
> more disk space, given that there is no other good reason or incentive to
> do it, but since neither of us can prove this one way or the other, I'm
> happy for us to give up this line of argumentation.).

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