Git Migration Needs YOU!

Roman Shtylman shtylman at
Tue Mar 2 21:53:12 GMT 2010

> What does "large chunks of kde" mean ?
> All (current) modules at once ?
> Maybe CMake's external_project() feature in CMake >= 2.8.0 can do this ?
> Documentation can be found here:
> and page 10 of
> Basically you say something like the following:
> ExternalProject_Add(
>  CMake-2-6-4
>  CVS_REPOSITORY :pserver:anonymous:cmake@
>  CVS_TAG -r CMake-2-6-4
>  )

This sounds like just the thing to basically create kde "superproject"
without relying on git submodules. As a side note... if used properly,
a superproject that contains only submodules could also be used to
perform such a "global" checkout.

depending on how granular the repository structure ends up being, a
script that basically wraps git clone wouldn't be needed (at least not


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