New script in kdesdk/scripts: reviewboarddiff

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at
Mon Jul 12 10:57:16 BST 2010

On 09/07/2010 18:34, Tom Albers wrote:
> On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 16:20:24 +0300, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau at>
> wrote:
>> It's a Python rewrite of a shell script I found in a place I can't
>> remember right now. If you recognize your code, add your name in the
>> copyright header.
> That's not copyright works. As the copyright of the original is now
> unknown, we can not verify the license and theoretically it should
> therefore be removed from svn...
> You should try to find the original and fix this.

Of course you are right. Stupid me. Thanks to Milian for tracking down
the origin of it. I am going to test if post-review does the same, if it
does I'll just rm the script otherwise I'll fix the copyright header.


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