KConfigXT Signals

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jan 8 10:25:31 GMT 2010

On 08.01.10 03:18:33, Keith Rusler wrote:
> I recently started needing signals to be emitted from my configuration dialogue  
> when certain changes were made like tab position of the main view, etc. I 
> followed the guide and added them to the settings.kcfg file. The generated code 
> works perfectly.. All my settings are modifed and save but none of the signals 
> are emitted when the value is changed on a KComboBox and I hit OK or Apply 
> button. Is there something that I probably missed out on as the tutorial 
> barely goes in to details about it.

Can you show some example of what you tried and what exactly you want to
achive. I don't quite understand which signals you mean and what you expect
them to trigger or how you added them to the settings.kcfg...


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