Using system SSL certificates...

Brad Hards bradh at
Sun Feb 21 09:58:20 GMT 2010

On Friday 29 January 2010 11:26:11 Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't think anymore that it is a good idea to ship our own certificate
>  bundle with KDE *on Linux*. Good Linux distributions have more resources
>  and do a good job at maintaining a set of certificates. On some platforms
>  we will probably always have to ship our own certificates or maybe add an
>  interface to the native certificate store API (I'd rather not).
> That said, if and when I make this change I will also (re)add some GUI to
>  add certificates on top of system certificates, and maybe a blacklist for
>  unwanted system certificates too.
What is the decision? 


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