FindQt4 macro to support one of the feature from Qt master (QML).

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Feb 16 18:37:05 GMT 2010

On 16.02.10 05:32:42, Alexis Ménard wrote:
> Hello,
> The attached patch allow to build and link application using Qt
> Declarative module (QML). Is it ok to commit that in the trunk or i
> have to wait the official release of Qt 4.7? The build of Plasma
> mobile (playground) is deactivated otherwise. To be honest it's a pain
> to carry the patch around.
> If it's not possible, when you add a cmake script in cmake/modules of
> your project which one cmake pick first? It seems that it takes the
> one in the standard dirs first.
> Thanks.

Apart from what Alex already said, you should submit a bugreport on so this is also going into upstream CMake's FindQt4.cmake.


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