phonon (Re: kdesupport-for-4.4)

Tom Albers toma at
Mon Feb 15 20:57:39 GMT 2010

Op Monday 15 February 2010 12:58 schreef u:
> On Sunday 14 February 2010, Tom Albers wrote:
> > Done. Tag updated.
> Thanks!
> Next issue: any idea if the changes between 4.3.80 and trunk are worth a 
> release? I had a look at the diff and it seems to be mostly about pulseaudio
> and gstreamer support.
> I'm asking because meanwhile I put a copy of trunk into 
> kdesupport-for-4.4/phonon, so the question is whether to revert that to 4.3.80 

As said, i've changed the tag to 4.3.80. Which is also what distro's use because it is the latest tarball.

> (to match what people using tarballs will end up with), or to make a new 
> phonon release (to achieve the same goal but with a different solution).

If the devels make a new tarball, we can update the tag. Latest I heard they are not making a new tarball in the near future.

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