Git Scratch-Pads for every account (not only developers)

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at
Fri Dec 31 08:10:53 GMT 2010

On Thursday 30 December 2010 17:55:35 Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hey all,
> I want to bring this topic to discussion. As developer of KDevelop and Kate
> I'm forced to jump through hoops to get code by new contributors in.
> Right now the workflow is like this:
> - new contributor says he has a patch
> - asked to created account on
> - asked to put patch on reviewboard
> - gets reviewed
> - if it's a single commit patch, I ask him to use git format-patch and send
> me the commit so I can git am it
> - if it's a new feature or a big bugfix consisting of several commits the
> above is just a royal pita, hence I ask him to make his git branch public
> somewhere (gitorious, github, ...)
> What I'd like to see improved:
> - give every i.k.o account the ability to use his scratch pad without
> having the developer status.
> - make it possible to create a review board entry based on a branch in a
> scratch pad repo. Bonus points for automatic/easier update of the diff
> based on this branch. And I know that reviewboard does not support
> anything but single patches (yes, I don't like this as well but I can live
> with it), yet something like `git diff $branch..master` can be automated.
> And for the final merging of commits I could simply add their clone as a
> remote and merge it just like I used to do on gitorious.
> BTW: Opening up scratch pad repos is probably also good for new people
> working on completely new plugins or apps, since they can use our git
> infrastructure from the beginning without first having to use
> gitorious/github/... I know that most people will run into problems sooner
> or later and need me or someone else to take a look at their code, hence
> "just work in a local clone at the beginning" is not an option.
> Bye

+1 from here.
In rekonq development and being used to gitorious and easyness of git remotes, 
we really suffer from this situation.
I know KDE people is used to reviewboard + svn and I can understand that it 
simply adds "something more" to the usual svn development workflow.
But this is not the same with git, being it decentralized and having remotes 
and bla bla. In the git case, it seems "forcing" a different workflow from what 
seems natural and easier (pulling the remote branch).
I also noticed people tending to just comment what is "visible" and "easy" in 
reviewboard (wrong coding style, unuseful changes in the code, etc..) instead 
of downloading/applying/testing locally the patch. Thing that never happened 

Is it just us not (yet) used enough to the new situation or is it a real 

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
GPG Fingerprint: 57DE 8E32 7D1A 0E16 AA52 59D8 84F9 3ECD DBF9 730F

rekonq project
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