credit where credit is due

Till Adam adam at
Thu Dec 23 12:54:20 GMT 2010


I'd like to ask everyone's permission to break the string freeze for a very 
important (I think) last minute change to the about dialog of Kontact. The 
attached patch adds Torgny Nyblom to the credits section. He almost single 
handedly, patiently and extremely professionally moved the migration of kdepim 
to git along, wrote the majority of the conversation rules (a boring, very 
difficult and frustrating job, given the size and complexity of kdepim) and 
finally coordinated and executed the actual transition, which went without a 
hitch. We now have kdepim and kdepim-runtime fully migrated, with full 
history, and operational with only minimal disruption. Impressive job and one 
we are all very thankful for, in the kdepim community. The least we can do is 
give him a bit of public credit in the about dialog of our flagship product, 
Kontact, I should think. 

Thanks again also to the sysadmin team for providing us with such great 
infrastructure to migrate to.


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