KDE Platform Profiles

Shaun Reich predator106 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 22:52:32 BST 2010

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Markus <kamikazow at web.de> wrote:

> Am Montag 12 April 2010 17:23:28 schrieb Parker Coates:
> > Why not just call the middle profile "Netbook" or maybe even "Mid
> > range devices"?
> "Mid range" is always relative. Today's mid range is low end in a year or
> so.

And what do you think Netbook is?


I should hope not..if any measurement of "how far we can push our platform"
is static, that simply means that the hardware increases it's
specifications, and we keep ours constant. Also known as not efficiently
using and expanding to the resources that are given.

Power consumption decreases, system power increases, battery capacity and
up-time duration increases, size of all of the system, decreases. The same
can be applied to absolutely anything. Just look at phones; only a few years
ago nobody could have hoped to run what can now be ran.

So it's always going to be relative, and that is precisely what it should

Shaun Reich,
KDE Developer (www.kde.org)
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