[PATCH] Detecting notification popup server capabilities

John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:22:44 BST 2009

2009/9/3 Aurélien Gâteau <aurelien.gateau at canonical.com>:
> John Tapsell wrote:
>>> Unfortunately not: from what I understand (I was not there yet when it
>>> was
>>> designed) some applications really relied on the notification actions
>>> (this
>>> is probably more important on the GNOME side, because the only
>>> notification
>>> output available was notification bubbles, so actions were always there).
>>> Lots of applications have been patched to detect support for actions and
>>> behave otherwise if it is not there, but to avoid regressions in
>>> applications Ubuntu developers would not be able to patch, it was decided
>>> that while notify-osd would announce it does not support actions, if a
>>> notification with action is sent to it, it displays an (ugly) dialog
>>> instead
>>> of a bubble. It also does the same if the notification is permanent.
>> Okay, so shouldn't notify-osd be fixed?
> How would you fix that?

By showing the actions?  Why wouldn't that work?


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