Comicbook Thumbnails

Qwerty Maniac qwertymaniac at
Sat Oct 31 13:42:13 GMT 2009


I'm Harsh, and this is my first mail to kde-core-devel.

I'm in process of writing a thumb/preview creator for Comic Book
files, of types .cbr, .cbt and .cbz. (MIMEs: application/x-cbr,
application/x-cbz, application/x-cbt)

The current code can be found in the
trunk/playground/ioslaves/comicbook-thumbnails directory. It currently
compiles, and works well for the above-mentioned file-types.

The .cbr type is an archive of the RAR type (application/x-rar) and
most comicbook files of these types use a higher version of RAR (>3).
Due to this, the free unrar library (unrarlib, found at: can't be used to extract the required cover
files from the archive.

To achieve this in my code, I've relied on the use of the non-free
'unrar' executable. If the code detects that the 'freeware' unrar
executable is available, it processes the archive without any issues,
and if not, it returns a negative safely and complains via a

My question regarding this: Is it acceptable to use an executable to
extract data/information within a ThumbCreator module, via QProcess
(Win) or KPtyProcess?

Harsh J

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