Advice on Qt User interface

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at
Wed Oct 28 23:03:19 GMT 2009

Parker Coates a écrit :
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 23:51, Christoph Feck wrote:
>> Using Designer UI files rather than handwritten C++ code has some advantages:
>> + Obviously, this is WYSIWYG "coding", so you aren't surprised later. You can
>> even quickly test with different styles and fonts.
> I think you can argue this one either way. Sure with Designer you see
> the widget layout in real time, but I find specific details are easy
> to miss and can lead to surprises later.
> For example, not to long ago I had to clean up a rather crufty UI
> file. It'd had been edited by a bunch of people over a bunch of years
> and needed a clean up. Sure I got to see the layout results, but I was
> constantly finding that random widget had random properties set. "Oh,
> that widget has wordWrap enabled? Why would it have wordWrap? It only
> contains 'Name:'. It should never have to wrap." "What is that widget
> doing way over there, now? Oh, there's a spacer there. And that spacer
> has an arbitrary minimum width. Why?"

Something I would like to see in Designer is the ability to attach
comments to widgets or to widget properties. This would make it possible
to document why this widget as this particular property.


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