Mini Usability Testing Ideas?

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Wed Oct 21 22:34:50 BST 2009

On Wednesday 21 October 2009, Inge Wallin wrote:
> On Monday 19 October 2009 21:08:10 Celeste Lyn Paul wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I would like to plan another community-based usability test similar
> > to the one I did for Amarok last spring [1]. This time, I am trying
> > to involve my university's LUG and will have access to a usability
> > lab. Depending on how well I can organize this new group, we would
> > like to try a test later this year (end of November/beg Dec) or
> > early next year (~ Feb).
> >
> > I am looking for ideas of small tasks or processes we could test,
> > such as the playlist editing task we did for Amarok. Any ideas are
> > welcome!
> There are lots of places in KOffice that would benefit much from
> something like this.

Nice, but, guess what, there are lots of places in about any KDE (or 
non-KDE) application that would benefit much from something like this. 
You have to name one or two of those places explicitly if you want 
KOffice to be taken into account for a possible usability test.

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