Version mismatch when building trunk

Christoph Feck christoph at
Sat Oct 17 02:30:41 BST 2009

On Friday 16 October 2009 21:02:05 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> [...] keeping Qt
> up-to-date is a simple git pull (assuming you've initially switched to
> the currently-needed branch, i.e. 4.6-patched right now). Thats the
> equivalent of svn up in qt-copy.

The big difference is that this will not work when I made changes there.
"svn up" always works, and when a conflict is detected, I can use "full diff" 
and decide to drop my changes.

Making changes requires me to set up my own branch, and then the mess 
starts... No fun.

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)

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