qt4-phonon and kde-phonon

Dima Panov Fluffy at fluffy.khv.ru
Fri Oct 16 05:12:46 BST 2009

Good day, folks!

Does anybody knows about merging kde-phonon to qt4 distribution?

At this time kde-phonon have some additionals in engine and backends, so I have
a question - which version we should use now to get full features and how to resolve 
conflicts while building phonon-depended portions of qt4?

Dima "Red Fox" Panov @ Home | C73E 2B72 1FFD 61BD E206 1234 A626 76ED 93E3 B018
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KDE at FreeBSD Team | FreeBSD committer since 10.08.2009 | FreeBSD since Sept 1995
Twitter.com:fluffy_khv | Skype:dima.panov | Jabber.org:fluffy.khv | ICQ:1745024
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