[kde-edu]: Moving Cantor to kdeedu

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Tue Oct 6 09:13:46 BST 2009

On Monday 05 October 2009 19:21:03 Alexander Rieder wrote:
> Hi,
> Cantor has now been in kdereview for two weeks (moved there on Mon,
>  2009-09-21 under the name MathematiK)
> Are there any complaints or issues left? Can I go ahead and move it to
>  kdeedu or should I wait and give you some more time for testing?
> regards,
> Alexander Rieder

From my point of view you can move it. The doc has to be proof read by an 
English person but I'll make sure we do that.
For the rest you fixed all the points I noticed! Welcome to KDE-Edu,


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