Review Request: Rename all files or folders and create "apply to all" checkbox in KIO rename dialog
toddrme2178 at
Mon Nov 30 19:41:55 GMT 2009
> On 2009-11-30 18:14:51, David Faure wrote:
> > Thanks, please commit.
I am not familiar with the process from here, I am supposed to commit this or will someone with SVN access do it?
- Todd
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On 2009-11-30 18:12:30, Todd wrote:
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> (Updated 2009-11-30 18:12:30)
> Review request for Dolphin, kdelibs and usability.
> Summary
> -------
> This patch makes two changes to the KIO file rename dialog box (the dialog box that appears when there is a file or folder name conflict when moving or copying files). First, it adds the ability to automatically rename the files using the default file renaming rules (what you would get if you clicked "Suggest Name" once). This is useful to avoid data loss, since you will not overwrite duplicate files or folders.
> Second, because there are already a lot of possible buttons in the dialog box (rename, suggest name, overwrite, overwrite all, skip, auto skip, resume, resume all, and cancel), and since this patch would add another button, this patch eliminates "overwrite all", "auto skip", and "resume all" buttons and adds a single "apply to all" check box. This check box changes each single-file button action to its corresponding multi-file action. So when checked, "overwrite" behaves as "overwrite all", "skip" behaves as "auto skip", etc. So despite the increased functionality this leads to a net reduction of up to 2 buttons, depending on the circumstances.
> I know this is very late, but I think it is an important feature since there are several bug reports requesting this. This is my first submission to KDE, so I apologize beforehand if the patch is not perfect. I tried to follow KDE style guidelines, but there may be some commonly accepted conventions I am not aware of.
> Edit: Per a suggestion I am adding the bug reports this idea addresses:
> There are three bug reports I have been able to find in a fairly quick search requesting this feature. The first one is actually mine, the other two are from other people. Two at least have multiple votes, so I am not the only one to have noticed this problem. :
> Further, I have seen numerous requests for improvements to this dialog box, but unfortunately without any specifics about what to improve. So although I can't say for certain this is what those people wanted, there are many people dissatisfied with the dialog box overall.
> There was also a discussion on the mailing list where the conclusion seemed to be that this is a good idea (see "Automatic rename in KIO rename dialog")
> Diffs
> -----
> /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kio/kio/copyjob.cpp 1053922
> /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kio/kio/jobuidelegate.cpp 1053922
> /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kio/kio/renamedialog.h 1053922
> /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kio/kio/renamedialog.cpp 1053922
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> I have used this dialog box under various combinations of file and/or folder conflicts with all of the buttons. It appears to work fine.
> Screenshots
> -----------
> Apply to all not pressed
> Apply to all pressed
> Thanks,
> Todd
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