Review Request: Add "Browse by date" to default places

Sebastian Trueg trueg at
Thu Nov 26 22:01:22 GMT 2009

Christoph Feck wrote:
> On Thursday 26 November 2009 18:54:50 todd rme wrote:
>> Perhaps, but is there a better alternative that is as obvious, easy to
>> access, and connected in peoples' minds to collections of files?  I
>> agree it may not be the ideal situation, but I think it is better than
>> no solution at all at the very least.  So in the absence of a better
>> alternative I think this is good.
> Look at what digiKam does: There is a sidebar for switching between filtering 
> by Albums (i.e. Places), Calendar, Timeline, search criteria, and Tags.
> Such a thing could even be a standard Nepomuk widget in the future.

I prefer having as little GUI elements as possible for browsing.
Especially browsing by date and tags and other metadata is the same as
far as Nepomuk is concerned. And that is what we will do in KDE 4.5
anyway. timeline is more of a short-term solution.
Also I think places and virtual fodler combine perfectly if you do not
call it places anymore. ;)


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