Sebastian Trueg
trueg at kde.org
Thu Nov 26 20:30:38 GMT 2009
Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Thursday 26 November 2009, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>> Well, I see now that my action was not the greatest. I apologize.
>> However, disabling Nepomuk altogether is not a solution either. What is
>> so broken about the cmake file anyway? "not in an acceptable state" does
>> not tell me anything.
>> I am more than willing to improve the situation.
> Great :-)
> What is broken:
> as I wrote in reply to your commit:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Coding_Style#.28Not.29_Using_pkg-config
> "the FindXXX.cmake must also work without pkg-config, as long as the package
> is either installed to one of the default locations (as /usr or /usr/local)
> or if CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is set accordingly"
> This was so not the case, I mean it basically consisted of
> if(NOT WIN32)
> use pkg-config...
> endif(NOT WIN32)
> which means it also broke Windows 100%.
> It also didn't follow the commit policy for public cmake modules in kdelibs at
> all. And you committed that after you broke source compatibility by removing
> FindKonto.cmake and FindKNepomuk.cmake just a few hours earlier, and you
> should have received my email about that earlier breakage already.
> kdelibs/cmake/modules/FindLibXml2.cmake is a good example how to use
> pkg-config if you really want to (we don't need it, you just have to set the
> CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to contain the install prefix of the
> respective package and it will be found).
> Then, please post it to kde-buildsystem (k-c-d) is also ok, and wait for an
> explicit ok:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Commit_Policy
here we go: the attached patch should integrate all your suggestions.
Please have a look.
> Also, does this file have to be installed ?
> I.e. are is it used by modules besides kdelibs ?
Yes. It is even checked in FindNepomuk.cmake.
> P.S. and please also explain what's up with FindKonto.cmake and
> FindKNepomuk.cmake.
They are both from pre-KDE 4.0 times. I have no idea why we still have
them in there. I suspect that I simply forgot to remove them. After all
what is Nepomuk today (and was so in 4.0) had at least two different
names during development.
So I doubt anyone ever used the cmake macros. If so they never found
anything. So I think they can safely be removed. But at least they can
be cleaned out.
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