
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Nov 25 23:18:52 GMT 2009

On 25.11.09 20:49:42, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> SVN commit 1054298 by trueg:
> Nepomuk in kdelibs now depends on the new shared-desktop-ontologies package
> which is developed in the OSCAF project[1] - a joint forces project by members
> of Nepomuk-KDE, Strigi, Tracker, and other research partners such as DFKI
> Kaiserslautern or DERI Galway.
> After this commit I will start to remove all copies of ontologies from the KDE
> svn.

As this is clearly not a bugfix, the cmake-parts are apparently broken
(see Alex mail), its not in the feature plan and you didn't announce
this new dependency anywhere I think you need to revert this and wait
with it for KDE 4.5. You completely ignored any policies we've setup for
kdelibs development.


Don't worry so loud, your roommate can't think.

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