Update the Feature Plan!

Sebastian Kügler sebas-RoXCvvDuEio at public.gmane.org
Tue Nov 24 23:49:34 GMT 2009


Now would be a good time to update the feature plan on techbase. It's the document we 
use to distill the feature set for the next KDE Software Compilation release, a.k.a. 


We want this document to reflect the improvements and additions that have gone into 
4.4, please help with that. An incredible amount of work has gone into the KDE SC 
over the past months, and if that doesn't end up in the Feature Plan really soon now, 
it might not even get mentioning in the release announcement, visual guide, in 
reviews or by the user.

The entries in the Feature Plan will be distilled into the Release Goals document, 
for a more human-readable compilation of important changes.

Some words if you're unsure whether you should edit the document:

- Please only edit features you worked on yourself. If you see something that's not 
  updated correctly (for example a feature is actually in trunk right now, but still 
  marked as FeatureInProgress,) but you aren't directly involved with the code, check 
  with the developer named for the feature before you update this entry.
- Adding new features that have not been committed to trunk before the hard freeze 
  later today is not allowed, adding and updating features that are already in trunk 
  is OK. 
- It's especially important to update the progress of the entry (from 
  FeatureInProgress to FeatureDone), only green features can be announced. Your 
  feature might still have bugs, that's OK and will be fixed -- you can mark it as 
  green already. 
- The promo team can't constantly check what changed in the document, so if you  
  change something after Friday, please send a note to kde-promo-RoXCvvDuEio at public.gmane.org to make sure 
  we can see what happened and don't write about stuff that 
- If you forgot to add a feature to the plan, but you have actually merged it into  
  trunk/, please add it and mark it as FeatureDone
- Items that are not marked as FeatureDone will be moved to the Feature Plan for 4.5

Thanks for your collaboration, it only costs 5 minutes and is important for 
documenting KDE's coolness :)

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