[Sebastian, Will, Alexander] Problems compiling kdebase-4.3 due to trig
Sebastian Trueg
trueg at kde.org
Tue Nov 24 20:02:44 GMT 2009
Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 November 2009, Volker Krause wrote:
>> On Monday 23 November 2009 22:43:55 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> On Sunday 22 November 2009, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>>> On Friday 20 November 2009, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>>>>> are you sure there isn't something wrong with your setup?
>>>>> After all, the header is installed by kdelibs/nepomuk/core/ui
>>>> Let's see tomorrow when kdelibs builds again.
>>> So, kdebase is not building since more than a week now.
>>> The problem is this in kdelibs/CMakeLists.txt:
>>> set(HAVE_NEPOMUK true)
>>> add_subdirectory(nepomuk)
>>> This part is skipped on my box, which is ok, since this is optional,
>>> otherwise cmake should fail and report that it can't build kdelibs
>>> because RAPTORPARSER and REDLANDBACKEND have not been found.
>>> But as it is, it succeeds, and skips nepomuk, and by this does not
>>> install e.g. ./nepomuk/core/ui/kmetadatatagwidget.h .
>>> But this is used later on in kdepim, which then fails:
>>> http://my.cdash.org/viewBuildError.php?buildid=38741
>>> So, what do we do ?
>>> SOPRANO_PLUGIN_REDLANDBACKEND_FOUND really optional or should we make it
>>> required ?
>>> Or should the code be built only optionally ?
>>> Then it needs proper checks.
>>> As it is now, it is broken.
>> as far as KDE PIM is concerned (which the above mentioned build error
>> referes to), Nepomuk is a hard dependency for all practical purposes, this
>> is just not yet reflected in the buildsystem correctly everywhere (it is
>> mostly a runtime dependency anyway).
> What does that mean ? Would nepomuk still work if the generated files (from
> raptor/trig) were put into svn and generated only on demand by those who know
> what they are doing ?
> Is the redland and raptor/trig stuff also necessary at runtime or only at
> buildtime ?
No, Nepomuk does not work without the raptor parser and redland backend.
The parser is used in the ontology service which is essential for
queries. The redland backend is used in several places where temporary
memory RDF models are necessary.
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