Deactivate MALLOC_CHECK_ on x86_64
Stephan Kulow
coolo at
Mon Nov 16 10:22:09 GMT 2009
Am Freitag 13 November 2009 schrieb Raphael Kubo da Costa:
> On Friday 13 November 2009 13:11:57 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> > Hi
> > Seems that MALLOC_CHECK_ feature of glibc is kind of broken in x86_64,
> > giving false positives. In release mode this has no effect to the user,
> > just when you're running KDE in development mode, MALLOC_CHECK_ will be
> > set at 2, which means that malloc will abort the application when one of
> > that false given errors happen.
> >
> > So I suggest to deactivate MALLOC_CHECK_ on 64 bits systems, at least
> > until it gets fixed.
> >
> > Some applications that usually crash on my system are:
> > - digikam (I'm in digikam sprint right now and I've asked gilles and he
> > agrees)
> > - kdevelop (I'm with apol here and he's concerned about this issue too).
> >
> > Everybody agrees with that?
> >
> > *
> Are you sure about it being broken only in x86_64? I'm running x86 and
> always get false positives too. I don't remember mpyne or maelcum
> perceiving it as a 64-bit-only problem either.
It's broken in glibc 2.10, not architecture specific. openSUSE runs the whole
system during the beta phase on MALLOC_CHECK_=3 and we had a lot of fun with
this ;(
But disabling MALLOC_CHECK_ on KDE makes little sense as KDE has almost no
way to find out if the system is affected or not - openSUSE's glibc 2.10 is
not. Perhaps you can apply openSUSE's patch to your glibc?
Greetings, Stephan
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