[Sebastian, Will, Alexander] Problems compiling kdebase-4.3 due to trig

Abhinav Chaturvedi achaturvedi at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 04:55:34 GMT 2009

Sebastian and Will,
Thanks for your help thus far with the 'trig' issue. I will try Will's
suggestion by recompiling
KDE-4.3. If I run into any new problem, I know whom all to ask.

Alexander: I got the following message from Will yesterday. I am not
compiling on a Mac, however.
But see if the following works for you.


A good trick for getting the build dependencies for building KDE trunk
is to use your distro's package management tools to install the dependencies
for the given module

eg on openSUSE 11.1, trying to build nepomuk in kdebase for KDE 4.3

Register the KDE 4.3 repo (otherwise you will get the build deps for KDE 4.1

$ zypper ar -f \
   http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/43/openSUSE_11.1/ \

Install the build dependencies for the packaged version of the module you
to build:

$ zypper source-install -d kdebase4-runtime

Even if you don't want to get all the dependencies, the list of new packages
to install that zypper proposes should give you a clue what to install (in
this case, libraptor-devel), then you can cancel the zypper source-install.

Contra la onesided distro promotion in k-c-d!  You can do this with apt-get
build-deps too, I think!



It's the peoples' will, I am their leader, I must follow them. (Jim Hacker
in Yes Minister)
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