Bugreporting barrier is too low with the new Dr. Konqi

David Jarvie djarvie at kde.org
Tue Nov 3 17:32:07 GMT 2009

On Tue, November 3, 2009 10:25 am, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> However, the number of duplicate reports has skyrocketed for us
>> (Amarok), and this is giving us major headaches. Any measures to
>> reduce the number of dupes would be appreciated, as we spend far too
>> much time with triaging them.
> I don't think that Dr. Konqi is to blame here, it's more the user:
> they don't read, they have a nasty behavior of clicking on next
> without ever reading what is on the screen, and considering that they
> have not a clue what is written there (and don't understand a
> backtrace anyway, even less would be able to see where a duplicate
> report is a duplicate or know what a crash handler is), so why are you
> all trying to put the blame on a tool that is really doing a great
> work?

Of course, the solution to this problem which nobody seems to have
noticed, is simply to produce bug-free software. Then if users are so
misguided as to submit any bug reports, we can happily ignore them. ;)

David Jarvie.
KDE no-bugs developer.
KAlarm author & maintainer.

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