Undo framework

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 26 23:29:21 BST 2009

Stefan Majewsky wrote:
> I'm about to combine both parts into a UndoStack implementation for Kolf. As 
> this will be done in a very generic way, I would like to ask if anyone's 
> interested to get this stuff into kdelibs. The nice thing about what I'm 
> planning is that it allows easy persistency through writing the complete 
> UndoStack into a KConfigBase instance.

To risk a dumb question, would this be useful for file/web browsing 
histories? Having a standard class to save history sounds like an 
awesome idea...

Oh, and... kpat desperately needs this for saved games :-). Maybe not so 
much for user enjoyment, but it would really help in some cases for 
saved games in bug reports.

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