RFC: remove qt-copy

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Tue May 26 22:03:40 BST 2009

> oh. and btw, I have at several times discussed Qt-copy patches with
> people from Trolltech/QtSw, and they often wasn't very impressed by
> some of the patches and urged me to not ship them.

In the past some of the patches that were put into qt-copy didn't  
follow any of the qt-copy guidelines and they have even broken binary  
compatibility.  I can only guess that they were dumped there because  
getting them into Qt wasn't exactly quick or easy.  And I was very  
surprised that distros would pick from it when I realized several  
years ago my distro had a bug that wasn't in the Qt release.  With the  
open Qt repo things should be better.  You can run your patches  
against the existing autotests and there is a much more clear cut path  
for what needs to get done and how to submit patches and a way for  
trolltech to accept and reject patches.  I would even go so far as to  
say that no patch should be allowed in kde's Qt repo unless it has  
been submitted to be merged.

-Benjamin Meyer

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