RFC: remove qt-copy

Sune Vuorela nospam at vuorela.dk
Tue May 26 09:15:22 BST 2009

On 2009-05-26, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org> wrote:
>> You already have that - various functionality differences - and packagers
>> also randomly patches kde and whatever else they ship. Packagers also app=
> ly
>> patches to qt that aren't part of qt-copy.
>=2E.. and this is all complete and utter folly.


>> The packagers are first in line for issues in the distribution. Why
>> shouldn't they have the last word in what they ship?
> because they don't know enough about what we deal with on a daily basis at =
> the=20
> level of understanding we do to make those calls. similarly, i don't know=20
> enough about packaging to do your job.

Thank you for your confidence in the knowledge of the distribution

Or is this another one of your "I have absolutely no clue about what
packagers do and who they are" in line with your "all packagers are
paid to do packaging" comment that you did a while ago ?

>> If it is hard to figure out why a specific patch is needed, then you
>> (plural) haven't done the work of documenting it good enough.
> i don't think it's your job to figure out why a patch is needed. that's our=
> job. i don't make debian packages, i don't see why you'd need to become a=20
> patch manager for Qt.

The software we are packaging is Qt as released by Trolltech/QtSoftware
with a set of patches on top, not anything else.
The origin of the patches is in my eyes not that relevant, but the
patches themselves are relevant, and the possibility to assess the
possible side effects and the revertability of the patches.

It is also a matter of "is this bug important enough to warrant another
divergence from Qt as released by Trolltech/QtSw". Just as stable
release policies and other such things, this differ between
distributions, between distributions and KDE, between distributions and

oh. and btw, I have at several times discussed Qt-copy patches with
people from Trolltech/QtSw, and they often wasn't very impressed by
some of the patches and urged me to not ship them.

>> > i'd much, much rather see a "you pick either qt or kde-qt" world. two
>> > versi=3D ons=3D20
>> > of Qt is already too many if you ask me and hopefully in this brave new
>> > wor=3D ld=3D20
>> > kde-qt will simply become a staging ground for the changes KDE needs in
>> > Qt=3D =3D20
>> > itself and everyone just packages Qt directly.
>> Is kde-qt going to have regular releases?=20
> they are sync'd to upstream Qt releases, so this is a non-issue.

No. How do packagers and others know when there is something updated?

>> What happens the day someone
>> accidentally pushes some BIC change to kde-qt at the time the
>> distributions choose to snapshot it?
> we don't do BIC changes

Who watches over it ?

And once again. How do I easily extract the seperate patches from the
git repository ?


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