[PATCH] Statusbar icons of Konqueror and KHTML Part do not look nice with Plastique

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Sun May 17 14:45:35 BST 2009


Some Qt styles, like Plastique or Polyester, can draw a border around
statusbar items. In this case, Konqueror checkbox and KHTML Part icons
do not look nice because their borders aren't aligned with the other
status bar items.

Attached patches fix this.

This screenshot http://www.imagebam.com/image/b8d4c336021771 shows
before/after (before is top left, after is bottom right). Note that to
get a border around Konqueror checkbox, you also need the attached
QStatusBar patch (submitted to Qt Software as N253704)

Is it ok to commit?

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