4708 warnings...

Christoph Feck christoph at maxiom.de
Tue May 5 00:29:23 BST 2009

Am Monday 04 May 2009 22:55:05 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> Hi,
> I'm quite far in making running Nightly builds of kdelibs easier.

Nice :)

> You can see the results here on this kdelibs dashboard, hosted by Kitware:
> http://my.cdash.org/index.php?project=kdelibs&date=2009-05-04
> This means, cdash counted 4708 warnings for a complete build of kdelibs.

Is that counted correctly? You count

/local/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kjs/object.h:254: warning: 'virtual void 
KJS::JSObject::put(KJS::ExecState*, unsigned int, KJS::JSValue*, int)' was 
/local/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kjs/function.h:97: warning:   by 'virtual 
void KJS::Arguments::put(KJS::ExecState*, const KJS::Identifier&, 
KJS::JSValue*, int)'

as two warnings, instead of one.

> I guess this means either that I should set up a filter for cdash, so it
> doesn't count everything, or we should e.g. disable the "virtual was
> hidden" warning.

Well, do not disable them. Warnings could be grouped by the actual warning 
message, so that one can easily skip "deprecated", "unused parameter", 
or "virtual was hidden" messages.

> I'll post some pointers how to setup such a Nightly build in the next days.
> Alex

To relativize the warning number, I counted 759 unique warnings (including 
warnings not issued by the C++ compiler) using this command:

grep warning:\  kdelibs-warnings.txt | grep -v warning:\ \ \ by | sort | 
uniq -c | sort -k 2 | sort -nrs > kdelibs-warnings-uniq.txt

See http://pastebin.com/m4bcdf27d for kdelibs-warnings-uniq.txt

If anyone wanted to dramatically reduce the warning count, she would start 
fixing those with the highest duplicates :)

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)

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