Review Request: non-modal mode for KShortcutsDialog

Chani chanika at
Sat May 2 04:12:50 BST 2009

btw, I've discovered a problem with kshortcutsdialog that I'm not sure how to 
resolve: if you add a collection, and then add more actions to the collection, 
those extra actions don't show up in the shortcuts dialog. and there's no way 
to remove a collection, so I can't seem to reset it that way.

something I just thought of to get those extra actions in is to store a list 
of the actioncollections in addition to a pointer to the dialog, and recreate 
the dialog every time it's shown, or not create it until it's first shown. that 
just seems kinda silly, though; the dialog should be able to handle things 
changing without me having to delete it and make a new one :P

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