Qt MathML Widget

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Mon Mar 16 20:09:46 GMT 2009

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:40 AM, John Tapsell <johnflux at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/3/16 Allen Winter <winter at kde.org>:
> > On Monday 16 March 2009 11:26:51 am John Tapsell wrote:
> >> 2009/3/16 Allen Winter <winter at kde.org>:
> >> > On Monday 16 March 2009 9:59:34 am John Tapsell wrote:
> >> >> Hi all,
> >> >>
> >> >>   The Qt MathML widget is now LGPL'ed!  But it's a seperate addon.
> >> >>   Can we add it into kdelibs?  So programs like KAlgebra can use it.
> >> >> And I'd love to see math support in konqueror.  And support in
> >> >> konversation, and oh just imagine speedcrunch with this!  I'm getting
> >> >> positively dizzy!
> >> >>
> >> >>
> http://www.qtsoftware.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Widgets/qtmmlwidget
> >> >>
> >> > Why not deal with this like we do other optional, external packages?
> >> > You'll need to write a FindQtMathML.cmake
> >> >
> >> > And then start using it and get the other apps to use it as well.
> >>
> >> Sounds good, but place it where in kde svn?  It will almost certaintly
> >> have to be modified to be useful.
> >
> > Oh, I assumed it was a living, operational project already.
> As far as I know, we can download a tar ball of the code.  Nothing
> else - no version control, no team, no bug tracker etc.
> It would seem to certainly require kde to adopt it.
> >
> >> And programs aren't going to want
> >> to add a dependency that is difficult for users to get.
> >>
> >
> > Is someone willing to take over maintenance of the code?
> Maybe someone could put out a cry-for-help on their blog and find
> someone willing to care for it :-)
> John

What would imply to maintain it?

I might be a good candidate since I am the only user (at least now).

So, do we want to have a new library for it? or just rename and put it into
KDE Libs? (I don't really know the procedure).

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