kdesupport/polkit-qt question

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Wed Mar 11 21:45:56 GMT 2009

On Wednesday 11 March 2009 20:25:22 dantti85-dev at yahoo.com.br wrote:
> The only way to avoid that would be to reinvent
> both libpolkit-dbus and libpolkit-grant which
> imo is a waste of time.

Except that if you clone latest git of PolicyKit you'll notice that both libs 
are gone now... It's deprecated in favor of a libpolkit-gobject now which is 
meant for glib apps, and is of course very different than previous libs. It 
means that as soon as the next PolicyKit release hits the door your work will 
be obsolete I'm afraid.

Sounds like HAL and libhal all over again to be honest. Been there, done 

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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