Updating the KConfigXT XML schema to cover the i18n context attribute

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Mar 9 15:27:24 GMT 2009


Krazy2 has fairly recently begun checking KConfigXT .kcfg
files for validity against the schema, which has revealed
that the schema is presently incompatible with the context
attribute used for i18n context markers[1][2].

I've tried to address this, and my patch to kcfg.xsd is
attached here. My XML schema mojo is relatively weak, how-
ever, and I bet there's a more elegant way that avoids the
brute-forcish duplication I've done.

Could any of you with more XML schema know-how please have
a look, signing off on it or providing a smarter way to do
it? :-)

1 = 
2 = 

Eike Hein, hein at kde.org
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