
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jun 3 23:30:28 BST 2009

On 03.06.09 16:26:02, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Parker Coates wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>>> On 03.06.09 19:07:14, John Tapsell wrote:
>>>>> SVN commit 977282 by johnflux:
>>>>> Add F11 as a shortcut for fullscreen
>>>> [...] this takes away a prominent and easy-to-reach shortcut from
>>>> _all_ applications for the benefit of just a few (which actually have
>>>> special fullscreen mode) as far as I understood.
>>> Actually, everything has full-screen mode, since it is a WM thing (unless it
>>> goes out of its way to avoid it). It just isn't "special" in most
>>> applications.
>> Actually, you mistaken here. We're discussing the "Full Screen Mode"
>> standard action, not KWin's "Fullscreen" setting.
> We are? Okay, never mind then. (But from his comment I would guess apaku  
> didn't catch that, either.)

I did actually catch that. I agree "_all_ kde apps" is a bit exagerrated in
this case, the apps need to explicitly use the KStandardAction to get this

I do agree to Parker though, having two shortcuts for this might be a bit
too much, even though we already have that for cut/copy/paste and one or
two more.


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