New authorization library moved to kdereview

Nicola Gigante nicola.gigante at
Fri Jul 17 20:20:31 BST 2009

Hello everybody,

I'm the summer of code student who is writing the new authorization  
library for kde.
I'm very pleased to announce that, as suggested by my mentor Dario  
Freddi, the library is mature enough for review. It is feature- 
complete, fully documented, and only needs some testing.

The new library allows developers to easily adopt the caller/helper  
pattern to write applications that perform privileged task without the  
need to run the whole GUI as root, in a secure and cross-platform way.  
The library uses PolicyKit as the backend on linux/unix systems, and  
Authorization Services on OSX. A windows backend is still to be  
written (I could look about it in the future, however it's not a  
required part of my gsoc project).
Both the policykit and mac backends are feature-complete.

I moved the code to kdereview/libkauth for inclusion in KDE. My mentor  
and I aren't sure about where it should be placed. I think putting it  
in kdelibs will make its adoption easier by kde developers, but  
kdesupport is also a choice.

If you want to see how the API looks like, I've written a complete  
apidox. The provided example (a text editor that can read/write files  
with root permissions) shows most of the features.
It currently is a Qt-only library.

The next step in my project will be adding some features to GUI  
components like KAction and KPushButton to let developers use  
immediately use the library.

Please tell me any comment/suggestion/critic about my work.

Thank you,


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