Missing cmake check for Xrender

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jan 27 10:19:17 GMT 2009

On 27.01.09 11:00:29, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 27.01.09 10:46:33, Josef Spillner wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > my kdelibs cmake checks completed successfully but make then later choked when 
> > X11/extensions/Xrender.h was not found in kfilepreviewgenerator.
> > A cmake check should be added.
> And we should check what happens if somebody runs this with an open-source
> driver with a releases Xorg server. The log message only indicates that
> with Xorg <1.6 the preview-rendering might not be accelerated, but from my
> past experience with XRender on open-source driver (ati) I'm suspecting
> that people not fulfilling that requirement might even get broken rendered
> previews.

The x.org website doesn't say anything about a new release, so it seems the
commit log is even wrong. Which means the relevant code might cause
anything from slow preview-rendering to completely broken previews when
using any of the X11 open source drivers on a default X11 installation
(i.e. without EXA enabled).

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