Fate vs Bugzilla for feature tracking

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jan 21 23:38:13 GMT 2009

On 22.01.09 00:21:57, Michael Leupold wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 23:51:01 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Anyway, just wanted to add that most of the time its slow for me when
> > loading a bugreport or sending a change to the server. Of course that
> > could just be somebody else doing a larger query on the db stealing time
> > from me :)
> Yes, that's quite possible. Judging from my local installation for testing 
> there might be several causes:
> 1) People doing queries that are dog-slow and take forever
> 2) Pushing long buglists into the list-template
> The first one was the one I set out to solve, the second one should be a non-
> issue on bugs.kde.org as the number of bugs returned is limited (afaik).

You can actually choose wether the result should be limited or not and I
know I don't have it limited. Reason is quite simple: I often enough end
up having to browse through all the pages and that was terrible with the
old bugzilla.

Today is the first day of the rest of the mess.

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