
John Tapsell johnflux at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 02:34:41 GMT 2009

Hi all,

  It's very difficult for a user to use a QHeaderView.  Press ctrl+esc
to bring up the task manager thing, then try to enlarge, say, the CPU
column.  Doing so shrinks the column next to, so the user then has to
enlarge that column to fix it.  Then the user has to fix the column
next to _that_, and so on.  Trying to englarge a single column
requires about 5 operations!

  Shrinking a column has a different behaviour though - it causes the
last column (set to stretch) to grow.  So if you just enlarge the CPU
column then shrink it again back to its original size, you then have
to do about 5 operations to fix the size of all the other columns

  I think the ideal behaviour is that both grow and shrink should
shrink/grow the last stretched column only.

  Dolphin implements this behaviour by reimplementing QHeaderView, but
Peter Penz says that this took a lot of work to do.

  Any suggestions on how to proceed?  If other people agree with me,
perhaps we can get a patch into Qt to allow for this behaviour.


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