Squeezing "Show Keyboard Status" indicator into KDE 4.2

Xavier Vello xavier.vello at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 13:47:17 GMT 2009

> I have spoken with the developer and he is confident that the applet
> is ready to move from review to plasma-addons, someone just needs to
> do it. He hinted that due to the accessibility nature of this issue,
> and the maturity of the applet code, that an exception could be
> granted to squeeze this applet into KDE 4.2. Can this be done?

I have no decision power, but I think the odds of a freeze exception
this late are near to zero, even more for such "standalone" things
(it's not to be included in a core library, it's something one can
install by hand).
The author should make a release at kde-apps.org and people needing it
can download and install it quite easily.
You can even ask your distribution to package it.

Xavier Vello

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