"look inside" context menu item

Jos van den Oever jvdoever at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 15:59:05 GMT 2009

Hi all,

I've patched up kio_jstream and would like to make it available in
Konqueror and Dolphin as a context menu item called 'Look inside'.
This item should be available for all file types jstream supports.

The tricky bit is to formulate the Exec= part of the desktop file.
When the action is called on 'file:/tmp/myarchive.zip', the action
should open 'jstream:/tmp/myarchive.zip' in the same window. What
would the action look like?

Also, I have trouble getting my lookinside.desktop to show up in
dolphin and konqueror. I've attached the current desktop file (with
faulty Exec=). Perhaps someone can tell me what's wrong with it.

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