[PATCH] .desktop security ++

Randy Kramer rhkramer at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 13:54:04 GMT 2009

On Saturday 21 February 2009 09:58 pm, Alex Merry wrote:
> On Sunday 22 February 2009 02:43:53 Michael Pyne wrote:
> > Finally, I'm still uneasy at having a dialog that can be 
clicked-thru for
> > .desktop files to run them this way.  So what do you think about 
> > some kind of minimum-time-to-dialog where if the user tries to click 
on the
> > .desktop file within, say, 10 minutes of creating it that it simply 
> > up its properties dialog?  After 10 minutes the dialog would appear 
> > click. Note that this would only happen after creating a .desktop 
file not
> > via Plasma (since that will be fixed) or Link to Application.
> I can see your point about the dialog, but I definitely don't like the 
idea of 
> having the click action of a file changing for no obvious reason after 
> arbitrary amount of time.
> One possibility is to always show the properties dialog, and give the 
> of making it executable on the first page of that dialog.

What is the security concern that prompts the suggestion to open the 
property dialog in the first 10 minutes after creating it?  Is it a 
concern that some unauthorized person walks up to a PC, installs 
something insecure and then proceeds to use it?  

If that is the concern, the option of making it executable on the first 
page of the properties dialog wouldn't seem to address that concern.

Randy Kramer

I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I created a video 
instead.--with apologies to Cicero, et.al.

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