Needing a QEventLoop for a kioslave
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at
Tue Feb 10 21:22:13 GMT 2009
Le lundi, 9. février 2009, à 19:01, Thiago Macieira a écrit:
> Em Segunda-feira 09 Fevereiro 2009, às 17:15:36, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
> escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > am I correct that KIO::SlaveBase does not use a QEventLoop in
> > dispatchLoop()?
> You're correct.
Oh, I feared to be.
> > What shall I do if the 3-party code I use as backend to generate/pull the
> > data for the ioslave depends on a running event loop? E.g. if using a
> > QTimer IIUC? Could there be an option for the dispatchLoop() to also care
> > for QEvents? Or can I use a thread? Is there any example code I could
> > look at?
> Use a thread.
What to do then with static QObjects created by K_GLOBAL_STATIC inside the
3-party code? It is said all QObject created in the thread have to be deleted
before the thread ends. So if I wrap the execution of the non-gui (KDE)
library code in a thread not the main QCoreApplication::exec() one, can/will
K_GLOBAL_STATIC bind them to the thread somehow?
I for now tried a q'n'd approach I found for the JabberDisco in Kopete. But it
does not work for me, is this non-ported KDE 3 code or is there a flaw?
--- 8< ---
bool breakEventLoop = false;
class EventLoopThread : public QThread
void run ();
void EventLoopThread::run ()
while ( true )
qApp->processEvents ();
msleep ( 100 );
if ( breakEventLoop )
void JabberDiscoProtocol::dispatchLoop ()
EventLoopThread eventLoopThread;
eventLoopThread.start ();
SlaveBase::dispatchLoop ();
breakEventLoop = true;
eventLoopThread.wait ();
--- 8< ---
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