[PATCH] Support for bookmarklets

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Wed Feb 4 09:59:58 GMT 2009

Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Maybe the additional linking isn't needed if you just let konqueror ask
>> khtml to open the javascript url (using KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openUrl)?
>> Just wondering; otherwise no strong objection against linking khtml.
> Good idea! I gave it a try this morning and came up with a much simpler 
> patch. This approach has the additional benefits of obeying javascript 
> enabled/disabled state and making it possible for another html part 
> (*cough* webkit *cough*) to implement bookmarklet support as well.

Here is a improved version of the khtml patch, which keeps the current 
url instead of replacing it with the bookmarklet.

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