Review Request: Quit Eventloop before emitting finished and result signals

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Dec 9 07:22:09 GMT 2009

On 08.12.09 23:22:35, Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 November 2009 16:38:42 Sebastian Sauer wrote:
> > 
> I believe this commit is causing bug 217836: basically, d->eventLoop::quit() 
> is called inside KJob::emitResult(), however the slot connected to the 
> result() signal is called long after the method which called KJob::exec() 
> finished, thus causing a segfault because the slot tries to access data that's 
> no longer present.
> If I use my own QEventLoop instead of calling KJob::exec() or revert this 
> commit, the segfault doesn't happen.
> Am I doing something unusual here?

Sounds to me like you want to disable auto-deletion of the job because
you need it around for longer than just the execution time.


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