Request for string freeze exception

Allen Winter winter at
Tue Dec 8 20:58:16 GMT 2009

On Monday 07 December 2009 4:50:50 am Kevin Krammer wrote:
> Hi all,
> reports from Beta 1 have shown that we've missed to change one of the checks 
> in Akonadi where it checks for a suitable Nepomuk backend.
> So users now get a warning when they are in fact using a good backend (e.g. 
> Virtuoso, basically the preferred one).
> Unfortunately fixing that requires a string change.
> (the patch also switched to the check to use blacklisting to avoid having this 
> creeping up again).

I hope there havent' been any objections to this request because this is 
a pretty bad situation currently.

There isn't much choice but to fix this.

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