KDE Trunk based on Qt 4.6

Alexis Ménard menard at kde.org
Sun Aug 30 14:15:33 BST 2009

Hello people,

Everything is in the subject but i wanted to raise the discussion before the
Technology Preview of Qt 4.6 will arrive (soon since Qt 4.6 is not open
anymore to features). Actually Plasma people are in Tokamak and after
presenting the QGraphicsView features that will arrive they really would
like to use them for KDE 4.4. The features will be : Animations and state
machine API, QGraphicsEffects and performance improvements (i.e. for

Qt 4.6 will be released end of this year which means that distribution will
probably do the same story that they did with 4.2 and Qt 4.5 (i.e ship 4.5
regardless of the non-testing aspect). So should we based the trunk on top
of 4.6 for KDE 4.4?

In Qt Software side, you will find all the help you need to fix
bugs/problems in #qt-labs or you can catch me on IRC. ogoffart will be happy
to help i am sure.

Thanks for comment...
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