situation with window decorations
Nuno Pinheiro
nuno at
Thu Aug 27 21:46:00 BST 2009
A Quinta, 27 de Agosto de 2009 16:34:56 Frank Karlitschek vocĂȘ escreveu:
> Hi,
> recently the window decoration Nitrogen was imported into kdebase
> which I like a lot by the way because I can configure it nicely.
> So currently we have:
Another one of those lest do stuff we don't need to ask any one lest do it
because we can.... makes me ggg..
So We Oxygen have been in contact with the nitrogen dude so he would work
directly in oxygen and avoid the duplication of code, from the talks we had it
seemed like every one was happy, at least i was ok with most of the options
nitrogen offered.
so this new theme in the code base is totally unexpected to me.
Just a reminder the only difference between ozone and oxygen is the option to
"color the windeco" that given the fundamental logic of oxygen (one slab
look) is not acceptable.
I'm fine with options and most of the option nitrogen offered are great. I
said this to the developer and he said it would be great to work directly on
oxygen, as far as i remember he wasn't a fan of the color the windeco option
as well.
> - Oxygen - the original window decoration
> - Ozone - the same as Oxygen with more configuration options
> - Nitrogen - the same as Ozone with even more configuration options.
> All the decorations look the same and only differ in configuration
> options.
> I understand the reasons and why some developers forked the stuff from
> others and decided to work on a decoration independently.
> But from a user point of is is silly and out of control.
> We need one decoration with all the important configuration options
> and not 3 who are basically the same.
> So what are the options?
> 1.) Backport all the new stuff from Nitrogen to Oxygen and remove
> Ozone and Nitrogen from kdebase
> 2.) Remove Oxygen and Ozone and rename Nitrogen to Oxygen.
> 3.) Remove Oxygen and Ozone and keep the name Nitrogen.
> 4.) someting else
> What do you think?
> Cheers
> Frank
> --
> Frank Karlitschek
> karlitschek at
Oxygen coordinator
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